Jay Pittman
Graduate Student in the laboratory of Stephen Meredith
I chose the University of Chicago because I was offered the opportunity to explore incredibly exciting research topics without limitation. The faculty have provided a thoughtful and caring environment for me to cultivate my interests and navigate the numerous fields being explored in the BMB Department. I always feel encouraged to collaborate with my colleagues and gain the interdisciplinary knowledge necessary to make me a better researcher.
Spotlight Archive
BSD specific guidance on COVID-19
High throughput discovery of functional protein modifications by Hotspot Thermal Profiling
A team of Scientists led by Tao Pan develop a high-throughput RNA sequencing strategy to study the activity of the gut microbiome
腾讯网游加速器:【活动播报】终结者2:超进化震撼上线,船 ...:2021-3-20 · 就在终结者2:超进化~ 终结者2:超进化在延期之后终于上线啦~生化终结者模式正式开启! 除了全新升级的模式之外,还有全新生化奖励王者-堕天使、枪王排位第11赛季及奖励EVOⅢ-秘银、新地图“新潜艇”、合成及生化宝箱系统优化、火线币商城更新等内容同步上线哦~
BMB student Tina Roman led nationally recognized SACNAS chapter